A bodywork client of mine was a fellow church member of one of the civilians killed. My closest Tucson friend's son works in Judge Roll's office. My friend and former landlord is a close personal friend of Congresswoman Giffords' and has been part of her bedside vigil since the shooting, giving us real time/unsensationalized updates. A friend of 30 years arrived a few minutes after the shooting and took most of the photos you've seen that were picked up by the Associated Press. The lawn of Gabbie Giffords' offices, surrounded by TV News trucks and flooded with people, prayers, candles, flowers and balloons, is just a few blocks from where I live.
It's so easy to forget how connected we really are when these kinds of things happen in someone else's town. There's no forgetting when it happens in yours.
I will do my best to get a new post written and up in the next week. At the suggestion of one Facebook fan, I'm thinking info on vaccinations... please stay tuned.