In honor of today (and maybe tomorrow, too ;-) a first time ever special:
Buy one 60-minute holistic phone consultation ($65)
and receive a second consultation FREE to gift to a friend!
Because you don't ever want to hear your vet say the words, "We got the results, and I'm so sorry to have to tell you this..."
especially knowing that there are things we can easily and inexpensively do to help stack the odds against your pet ever developing a disease such as cancer.
Don't have regrets. If you schedule your consultation today, not only will you know you are doing everything you can for your pet's well-being, but a consultation (especially in-home) is fun, interesting and informative, and will leave you feeling confident, assured and empowered.
and receive a second consultation FREE to gift to a friend!
Because you don't ever want to hear your vet say the words, "We got the results, and I'm so sorry to have to tell you this..."
especially knowing that there are things we can easily and inexpensively do to help stack the odds against your pet ever developing a disease such as cancer.

HOLISTIC CONSULTATION: It's all about prevention, pet parents! What our pets are exposed to regularly has a HUGE impact on their health. We are all what we eat, breathe, and absorb through our skin. Our pets' bodies metabolize everything so much faster than ours: what everyday chemicals may take 40 or 50 years of exposure to create disease in our bodies, may only take 3-6 years of exposure to create disease in theirs.
In our one-on-one personalized consultation, we'll discuss your choice of food, treats, toys, home and personal products- thoroughly examining everything you currently expose your pet to- including insidious things you are not even aware of! After explaining why some of those things may be extremely harmful to your pet, I'll share some simple, easily attainable alternatives that I myself use and help guide you into creating the safest, healthiest environment possible in your home.
In our one-on-one personalized consultation, we'll discuss your choice of food, treats, toys, home and personal products- thoroughly examining everything you currently expose your pet to- including insidious things you are not even aware of! After explaining why some of those things may be extremely harmful to your pet, I'll share some simple, easily attainable alternatives that I myself use and help guide you into creating the safest, healthiest environment possible in your home.
Just scroll down and read the left side of
this page for details.
Happy health...happy leap year!
(you will automatically receive a second, free consultation when we schedule the original- you'll only need to give me the name of the pet parent you're gifting it to and then have them email me to schedule)this page for details.
Happy health...happy leap year!