The question I get asked most by readers is, "Have you gotten another dog since Buttons died?" It's then that I try to explain. Marketing a book is a full time job, especially when it's not backed by a big publishing house, and its author feels as passionately about the topic as I do. Since I'm not currently in a position to make book marketing my only full time job, but rather, my 2nd full time job (in addition to a part time business!), it wouldn't be responsible of me, with such limited time and energy, to try and share my life with a canine companion, too.
But I am immersed as deeply as ever in the human-animal bond, and I have gotten hundreds of dogs since Buttons made her transition. Everyday is a constant flow of emails, and phone consultations- the ones about Bruiser and Godiva, Dasher, Carmie, Tinker Bell, Cisco, Biskit, Rudy and Reggie, et al, asking for guidance on feeding the safest food, healthy treat recipes, homeopathic remedies, alternatives to toxic flea treatments.... and the ones from pet parents whose beloveds have recently gone to Rainbow Bridge, thanking me for the validation and camaraderie my book has brought them.
I am blessed by every one of those emails and consultations, and although at this time, there is no cold nose waking me up in the morning with a snuggley nudge, I continue to embrace my bond with the animal teachers, and am honored to keep contributing my part to the stewardship we all have of our furry companions.
I do believe that the bonds between the pet owner and the animal is a different kind of bond, but just as stronger. I know of people who try to tailor their look to match that of their pets. Some match fashion accessories, pet clothing. For some, it's laughable, a sort of a sick joke. But we know better!
Dasher loves you and thanks you for writing a book that is not only a pleasure to read, but opens up doors to different options regarding pet health. A year ago, Dasher and I spent many, many, many long hours in the ER at the "traditional" vet because they could not pin point what was wrong with him. After reading your book, I was inspired to research different alternatives for his health. Now, he's a completely different dog, very healthy, very happy. I will not stop talking about your book!!!
I enjoyed your article in the National Dog Blog Carnival #3. The bond between an animal and its owner, imaginary as many believe, is something which causes us on a personal level to be extremely careful of where our dogs go in our rescue. A dog has never been "just a dog" to us, but part of our life and our family. Our dogs have bonded with us over the years, as we spend 24/7 with them all the time. This has formed the bond you are referring to, and unless someone else offers a similar bond to them, they stay here. We refuse to take any chances if there is any doubt, knowing already they receive quality care and love. We have found quality homes for over 45 dogs but have about 30 left to be very careful over, due to who they are. Your article spoke the absolute truth, for sure. Good job.:)
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