My answer is always the same: do some research so you can make an informed choice for yourself and your pets. A good place to start is here.
Personally, I feel best when I keep it simple and have the most control over individual ingredients. For me, that means shopping at my local health food store and home-cooking from scratch, 2-3 organic, all-natural ingredients (organic, free-range ground turkey, organic quinoa and/or millet, grated raw veggies) and adding a few very high quality, clean (no additives, fillers, or flavorings) supplements (I've had great success with Azmira Sea Supreme and Mega-pet Daily).

"Diet is the essential key to all successful healing. Without a proper balanced diet, the effectiveness of herbal treatment is very limited. With the appropriate eliminative or balanced diet, herbal treatment will prove itself to be effective where no medicine will work and will often be faster than the quick but temporary relief of Western drugs."
Thank you for these good points Nadine. I'm learning about all this now, and working to ensure that Kelly's food is good for her.
Thanx for sharing these tips w/us Nadine. Read the labels and do what's right!!
I've been home-feeding my 2 dogs for 4 years and feel so much better that they're eating healthy things instead of "garbage". They're healthy and happy girls!
Good for you, 8paws!!
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