NOW OFFERING: In-home consultations for pet parents in the Chicagoland area! 
Not only, like in a phone consultation, will we go through everything in your home with a fine-tooth comb that your pets are exposed to, but the process will take place in person in the presence of your pets! This will allow me even greater ability to hone-in on and personalize which changes you make, and to better suggest the absolute easiest ways for you to make them.
WHY YOU WANT A CONSULTATION:Because you don't ever want to hear your vet say the words, "We got the results, and I'm so sorry to have to tell you this..."
especially knowing that there are things we can easily and inexpensively do to help stack the odds against your pet ever developing a disease such as cancer.

Don't have regrets. If you schedule your consultation today, not only will you know you are doing everything you can for your pet's well-being, but a consultation (especially in-home) is fun, interesting and informative, and will leave you feeling confident, assured and empowered.
Just scroll down and read the information and directions on the left hand column of this page to see pricing and details to schedule your consultation. Some Chicago locations will also be charged a separate travel fee agreed upon in advance and due at my arrival. No travel fee to Barrington, Elgin, East & West Dundee, or Carpentersville, Illinois.
I'm looking forward to helping you and your pets have many, many years of vibrant health and precious moments!