Sunday, June 12, 2011


Twenty years ago I threw away my microwave. I stopped buying rawhide chews (often formaldehyde-dipped) and using any kind of plastic containers, bowls and bottles. (can leach formaldehyde into contents especially when heated)

Today, Yahoo reported that the government has not only classified formaldehyde as a cancer-causing chemical, but noted that it's also used in many everyday cosmetic products. Don't be afraid to read
this article. Be informed. Be aware. Be cancer-free and healthy.


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

If only more people listened to you. You were first, and you were right. If only you could get paid for it.

Dori Gehling said...

Thanks for this informed post as well as the link to the original article. I will be passing it along and hope it gets read and followed!

Nadine M. Rosin said...

Thanks, Dori- all the help in passing info along deeply appreciated!!!

DawgBlogger said...

We got rid of our microwave also. Use only stainless steel for everything (glass for some).

Wow, formaldehyde in cosmetic products? Good thing we're not using any.

superfoods said...

I have read the content of website its very interested post i like it