I cannot look at him without smiling and being immediately connected to the pure, unconditional love that doggies are.
They remind us that we are pure, unconditional love, too. They make us better humans.
Wishing you all a healthy, peaceful, and loving holiday season.
Ditto to everything you said! Couldn't have said it better myself.
Morgan, you are a courier of joy, total pleasure and self confidence. Thank you for teaching us two leggeds!
Morgan, you are a handsome boy. You are a blessing and an inspiration to us all. =D
Dogs Rule.
Santa's little helper!Your are adorable. Please tell Santa I need more time with my Buster...
Kim & Buster
Hi Everybody, I'm Morgan, the Miracle Maltese. I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all those nice notes left by my Christmas photo. I'm doing well right now with the help of acupuncture, holistic and traditional meds due to three compressed discs in my neck. I ask all animal owners, like my Mom, to do their very best to make sure we are loved, cared for and kept comfortable at all times. When that is no longer possible then we must say good-bye but you will proceed forward knowing your did your very best for us. I will keep my paws crossed that you have more time with your beloved pet as I want with my Mom. Ain't love great? Happy,Yappy New Year to one and all. Puppy Hugs, Morgan
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