Those of you who've read The Healing Art Of Pet Parenthood have a clear understanding of how important a non toxic environment is for the health of our pets- not only when it comes to chemical toxins, but emotional ones as well!
You've heard me describe my own experience of my dog "shunting" for me; about how I and many others believe that because of their great sensitivity, our heart dogs will often take on and help shoulder some of our own illness and emotional trauma. Point being, if you're stressed-out, chances are your dog is, too.
I do not believe in symptom-treating, and feel it is always, first and foremost, important to find and remove the cause of physical or emotional stress/burden/breakdown in the body. That said, if your dog is stressed-out, whether from an outside source such as thunder, or from your own emotional stress in the home, this product can help.

After finding me on Facebook, Lisa was kind enough to send me a CD (volume 2) requesting my review. Those of you who visit here often know I don't usually review and seldom recommend products - that more often I encourage every pet parent to do their own research and decision making when it comes to the care of their pets. But since Lisa hails from Half Moon Bay, CA, right up the road from Buttons' and my old stomping grounds of Santa Cruz, I made an exception.
I don't currently live with a dog- my regular blog readers know why- but I DO have neighbors with dogs: noisy, barking dogs. Of course, they only bark when my neighbors aren't home, so last time they went out for the evening and the dogs began their nervous, anxiety barking, I took the opportunity to pop the CD in the stereo, turn up the volume and open my windows. About halfway through the very first track the dogs fell silent and I was sold.
But for the sake of this review, I took the test a little further. Again, readers of my book know that one of the things I do for a living is therapeutic bodywork. Last week, for my (human) bodywork clients, I played Through a Dog's Ear while they received treatment. Several fell asleep on the table, including ones who normally want to talk throughout their session. One client enjoyed the CD so much, that I explained to her what it was and lent it to her to try at home on her own dog. She happily reported back that it visibly relaxed her pooch who has been rather hyper from storms of late.
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