If you are one of those people, please see my post: Holistic Defined. On the up side, through my online book marketing efforts, I am meeting many pet parents whose pet-related businesses are founded on a more accurately holistic platform.
Head-to-Tail is one of those businesses. Here is a bit about them, and some great tips from them.

"Diet, grooming and regular vet visits take care of your dog physically; training maintains your dog's mental and emotional well-being. Head-to-Tail works to improve the lives of dogs and their owners by building stronger relationships through education and training. Training is provided in a safe, fun and emotionally rewarding environment.
The company is actively involved with rescue efforts through philanthropy and volunteering with local community services. We lead by example of responsible, caring pet ownership. "Educate with respect and compassion for people and dogs alike." The goal is to have healthy, well-mannered pet dogs and happy owners. Real-life situations are addressed with realistic solutions. Only positive reinforcement methods are used.
Trainer Loella Springmann has been working with pet dogs since 1993. Head-to-Tail, Inc. opened for business April 2005 to serve Frederick, MD and surrounding areas. Loella is a Animal Behavioral College Trainer Mentor, certified in Pet First Aid by the American Red Cross and is an active volunteer in the community.

Cold Weather Tips:
Adequate Shelter: While I discourage owners from keeping dogs exclusively outdoors, I realize some people do. Dogs that spend most of the day outside must have appropriate shelter to keep out of wind and precipitation. Even dogs with thick fur can freeze to death. Also be sure to provide plenty of fresh, not frozen, water. Snow and ice put dogs at risk of hypothermia. Be aware that each county has codes specifying minimum restraints, shelter, protection and care for dogs (and other pets) punishable by fines or even jail time. If you are not familiar with the laws in your area, contact your local Animal Control, ASPCA or Humane Society.
Increase Exercise: When weather is relatively mild, walk your dog more frequently. Exercise with boost their metabolism, as well as yours, keeping you both warmer, longer. This is also the best way to alleviate stress! In extreme weather, play some fun indoor games together like Hide-and-Seek.
Watch The Feet: Salts and chemicals on sidewalks and streets can irritate paws. After an outing, wash off their feet, and any other effected areas, with a warm wet cloth. Dogs walking in snowy areas may get large ice balls between their pads, causing the dog to limp. Be sure to keep ice clear from this area. For dogs that have a lot of hair between the pads, keeping the hair trimmed will help reduce ice ball formation. Dog boots are also helpful if your will tolerate wearing them.

Antifreeze: We can’t be reminded enough…keep pets away from antifreeze. Antifreeze is lethal if ingested. Thoroughly clean up any spills from your vehicle, and consider using products that contain propylene glycol rather than ethylene glycol.
Keep The Leash On: According to the ASPCA “Never let your dog off the leash on snow or ice, especially during a snowstorm—dogs can lose their scent and easily become lost. More dogs are lost during the winter than during any other season, so make sure yours always wears ID tags.” Keeping your dog leashed also allows you to keep them away from potentially harmful substances.
Car Trips: Do NOT leave your dog unattended in a car. When the ignition is off, cold air gets trapped in a car like a refrigerator."
1 comment:
I just wanted to let you know, I have just purchased your book The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood, I am looking so forward to reading it, I am so relieved that there is someone who understands the unspoken bond between humans and their companions, I hope you get a chance to read my Dedication blog about My companion Ferbie who I have recently loss Thank you for your inspiration
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